UUPDump caput...

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  • jmtella
    • Nov
    • 20878

    UUPDump caput...

    Spoiler: mostrar

    Maintenance break

    Let's jump right in: I got an email last night saying our GitHub organization was deleted.
    This email is to confirm that the ‘uup-dump’ organization has been deleted from GitHub by ‘REDACTED FOR PRIVACY’. Your organization’s repositories and content have been deleted from the system. You can reply directly to this email if you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you.

    Yes, you read that right. I checked straight away and yes, the organization was gone and I immediately started to see what we could do to put it all back together.

    I was able to recover most of the organization's repositories, except the dev-server, which wasn't exactly important, and the standalone, the most dangerous part. That's the part that regularly updates the builds and feeds the fileinfo and the packs repository. Sadly, no one ever forked the repository and the container using it deleted the standalone after every run to make sure it was always up to date (we had problems with the container earlier):

    #!/usr/bin/env zsh git -C {fileinfo,packs} pull git clone git@github.com:uup-dump/standalone.git --recurse-submodules ... php standalone/packsgen.php rm /**/.git/index.lock commit_message="Auto-update at $(date -Iseconds)" git -C {fileinfo,packs} add . git -C {fileinfo,packs} commit -m "$commit_message" git -C {fileinfo,packs} push origin master # where the magic happens rm -rf standalone
    The website doesn't work properly without the standalone, so I had to take it down. While existing builds could still be downloaded, newer ones will always throw this specific error:
    This update does not have a generated pack that provides full information about available languages, editions and files. The fallback pack will be used, and it may not provide the correct information. If the download fails because of this, please wait a while for the pack to become available.

    Spoiler: It will never happen.

    A "backup" of the website is available at fucked-up.uupdump.net The API is still available at it's old location.

    Please contact me at contact@luzea.de if you have any questions or got the source code for the standalone. If you'd like to download any of the recovered repositories, you can download them from the following links: api.git.tar.xz (2.5M), converter.git.tar.xz (69K), fileinfo.git.tar.xz (1.2G), json-api.git.tar.xz (47K), packs.git.tar.xz (47M), website.git.tar.xz (19M)

