¿Configurar una red?
Originalmente publicado por Vicky Ver Mensaje
Si que hay crear una rama del registro, esta:
HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Lsa
Create the following DWORD value (if it doesn’t exist):
and set it to:
0 – Clients use LM and NTLM authentication, but they never use NTLMv2 session security. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.
1 – Clients use LM and NTLM authentication, and they use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.
2 – Clients use only NTLM authentication, and they use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controller accepts LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.
3 – Clients use only NTLMv2 authentication, and they use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.
4 – Clients use only NTLMv2 authentication, and they use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controller refuses LM authentication responses, but it accepts NTLM and NTLMv2.
5 – Clients use only NTLMv2 authentication, and they use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controller refuses LM and NTLM authentication responses, but it accepts NTLMv2.
Ya les vale a estos de Apple que no se pueda compartir un time capsule de Apple para que lo vea Windows.
Pues nada, mi gozo en un pozo,
Muchas gracias JMT.
Un Saludo.