WIndows 11 - nueva build en curso...

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  • jmtella
    • Nov
    • 20918

    WIndows 11 - nueva build en curso...

  • jmtella
    • Nov
    • 20918

    Update 06/18/2021 6:50 p.m.

    Windows 11 Build 22000 reveals new details

    Windows 11 LTSC Enterprise and Windows 11 SE

    As the Twitter user @ALumia_Italia found out, the ISO for the upcoming Build 22000 contains a total of 37 different entries for the respective versions of Windows 11, but Windows 10 is also still listed, unsurprisingly.

    W i n d o w s 1 1
    - Aggiornamenti Lumia (@ALumia_Italia) June 17, 2021

    In addition to the special editions already known from Windows 7 and Windows 10 such as Education for the educational sector, IoT for the Internet of Things, Enterprise and the N variants without media player, there are also versions for the Long Term Servicing Channel ("LTSC") as well Windows 11 SE in the ISO of the new builds.

    Windows 11 beinhaltet auf den ersten Blick vor allem optische Neuerungen. ComputerBase hat einen ersten Blick auf Build 21996.1 geworfen.


    • jesgui
      Junior Member
      • Feb
      • 7

      Ya la tendremos por el momento la primera filtración en un vhd va de lujo!

